Jumat, 31 Oktober 2014

Tim Cook: 'I'm Proud To Be Gay'; Labor Department To Destroy H-1B Records

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What Is the Best Way to Launch an Online Business?
As businesses plan their move to the cloud, the choice of provider can be daunting. Performance, reliability and security concerns can paralyze IT before a migration ever begins. Take our quick poll to let us know what is most important to your organization when considering hosting your online presence in the cloud. 
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From the cue-up-the-poorly-socialized-legions department
An anonymous reader writes Apple CEO Tim Cook has publicly come out as gay. While he never hid his sexuality from friends, family, and close co-workers, Cook decided it was time to make it publicly known in the hopes that the information will...
From the it's-getting-hot-in-here department
HughPickens.com writes "The NYT reports that Naomi Oreskes, a historian of science at Harvard University, is attracting wide notice these days for a work of science fiction called "The Collapse of Western Civilization: A View From the Future,"...
From the maybe-they-could-merge-with-timex department
Nerval's Lobster writes Apple design chief Jony Ive has spent the past several weeks talking up how the Apple Watch is an evolution on many of the principles that guided the evolution of timepieces over the past several hundred years. But the need...
From the jacked-up-my-bill-lately-too department
Mr D from 63 (3395377) writes Time Warner Cable's results have been buoyed recently by higher subscriber numbers for broadband Internet service. In the latest period, however, Time Warner Cable lost 184,000 overall residential customer...
From the hashtag-ebola department
An anonymous reader writes Scientists of the Northeastern University, in collaboration with European scientists, developed a modeling approach aimed at assessing the progression of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa and its international spread...
From the is-there-a-market-for-non-discrimination? department
An anonymous reader writes John Oliver calls it "cable company f*ckery" and we've all suspected it happens. Now on Steven Levy's new Backchannel publication on Medium, Susan Crawford delivers decisive proof, expertly dissecting the Comcast-Netflix...
From the removed-from-the-game department
Presto Vivace writes H-1B records that are critical to research and take up a small amount of storage are set for deletion. "In a notice posted last week, the U.S. Department of Labor said that records used for labor certification, whether in...
From the my-self-esteem-has-certainly-taken-a-beating department
Ever thought that all those crash-test dummies getting slammed around in slow-motion were reflecting an unrealistic, hard-to-achieve body image? One company is acting to change that, with some super-sized (or right-sized) dummies more in line...
From the identify-the-problem department
MarkWhittington writes Professor Richard Binzel published a commentary in the journal Nature that called for two things. He proposed that NASA cancel the Asteroid Redirect Mission currently planned for the early 2020s. Instead, he would like the...
From the have-some-data department
hazeii writes Though legal proceedings following the Snowden revelations, Liberty UK have succeeded in forcing GCHQ to reveal secret internal policies allowing Britain's intelligence services to receive unlimited bulk intelligence from the NSA and...
From the he-typed-like-a-one-armed-man department
Hammeh writes BBC news reports that Pirate Bay co-founder Gottfrid Warg has been found guilty of hacking into computers and illegally downloading files in Denmark. Found guilty of breaching security to access computers owned by technology giant...
From the popularity-contest department
bmahersciwriter writes Citation is the common way that scientists nod to the important and foundational work that preceded their own and the number of times a particular paper is cited is often used as a rough measure of its impact. So what are...
From the hey-this-cord-appears-quite-intact department
lpress writes I tested CBS All Access video streaming. It has technical problems, which will be resolved, but I will still pass because they show commercials in addition to a $5.99 per month fee. Eventually, we will all cut the cord and have a...
From the one-thing-at-a-time department
itwbennett writes The critical Shellshock vulnerabilities found last month in the Bash Unix shell have motivated security researchers to search for similar flaws in old, but widely used, command-line utilities. Two remote command execution...
From the big-targets-get-hit-first department
Trailrunner7 writes The maintainers of the Drupal content management system are warning users that any site owners who haven't patched a critical vulnerability in Drupal Core disclosed earlier this month should consider their sites to be...

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Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

Pope Francis Declares Evolution and Big Bang Theory Are Right; Apple Pay Competitor CurrentC Breached

What Is Most Important to Your Users and Customers?
Every business wants to have an in-depth understanding of what their customers want, and what makes them pull the trigger for a new purchase. Take our quick four-question poll to let us know what is most important to developing a holistic view of your customers - whether internal users or beyond the firewall. 
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What Is the Best Way to Launch an Online Business?
As businesses plan their move to the cloud, the choice of provider can be daunting. Performance, reliability and security concerns can paralyze IT before a migration ever begins. Take our quick poll to let us know what is most important to your organization when considering hosting your online presence in the cloud. 
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From the can-we-argue-about-something-else-now department
HughPickens.com writes: The Independent reports that Pope Francis, speaking at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, has declared that the theories of evolution and the Big Bang are real. "When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of...
From the still-happening-in-2014 department
theodp writes: A year-long investigation by NBC Bay Area's Investigative Unit and The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR) raises questions about the H-1B visa program. In a five-part story that includes a mini-graphic novel called...
From the raise-shields department
tranquilidad writes "As previously discussed on Slashdot, CurrentC is a consortium of merchants attempting to create a "more secure" payment system. Some controversy surrounds CurrentC's requirements regarding the personal information required,...
From the baby-steps department
aojensen writes: ExtremeTech reports that the most recent build of Windows 10 Technical Preview shows that Windows is finally getting a package manager. The package manager is built for the PowerShell command line based on OneGet. OneGet is a...
From the get-you-some-internet department
NewYorkCountryLawyer writes Slashdot member and open source developer Ben Kallos @KallosEsq — who is now a NYC Councilman — is pushing to make it a precondition to Comcast's merging with Time Warner that it agree to provide free...
From the premium-pay department
Walking The Walk writes YouTube is looking at creating a paid-subscription model that would allow users to skip the ads on their videos. (A more condensed summary from CBC.) No firm date has been announced, and it sounds like tentative steps...
From the wait-a-second department
reifman writes The Internet's been abuzz the past 48 hours about reports the FBI distributed malware via a fake Seattle Times news website. What the agency actually did is more of an example of smart, precise law enforcement tactics. Is the...
From the go-big-or-go-home department
mrspoonsi sends news that a group of major tech companies has combined to donate $750 million worth of gadgets and services to students in 114 schools across the U.S. Apple is sending out $100 million worth of iPads, MacBooks, and other products....
From the mine-now-I-take-it department
An anonymous reader writes "Stan Lee Media and The Walt Disney Co. have taken their arguments to the U.S. Court of Appeals over who owns the rights (and profits) to Marvel characters. Though Disney bought Marvel in 2009, Stan Lee Media (no longer...
From the don't-step-on-the-pieces department
Jason Koebler writes: A team of physicists based at Brown University has succeeded in shattering a quantum wave function. That near-mythical representation of indeterminate reality, in which an unmeasured particle is able to occupy many states...
From the pay-no-attention-to-the-man-behind-the-mirror department
blottsie writes: The most-valuable, second-richest telecommunications company in the world is bankrolling a technology news site called SugarString.com. The publication, which is now hiring its first full-time editors and reporters, is meant to...
From the what-could-possibly-go-wrong department
An anonymous reader writes: His wife thinks he's crazy, but this guy got an NFC chip implanted in his arm, where it will stay for at least a year. He's inviting everyone to come up with uses for it. Especially ones that violate his privacy and...
From the crayzy-powerful department
Memetic writes: The UK weather forecasting service is replacing its IBM supercomputer with a Cray XC40 containing 17 petabytes of storage and capable of 16 TeraFLOPS. This is Cray's biggest contract outside the U.S. With 480,000 CPUs, it should be...
From the brand-new department
Lucas123 writes HP today announced an 3D industrial printer that it said will be half the cost of current additive manufacturing systems while also 10 times faster, enabling production parts to be built. The company also announced Sprout, a new...
From the dozens-of-solitaire-games-compromised department
wiredmikey writes: The White House's unclassified computer network was recently breached by intruders, a U.S. official said Tuesday. While the White House has not said so, The Washington Post reported that the Russian government was thought to be...

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Rabu, 29 Oktober 2014

Introducing CopyRightBar.com

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Introducing CopyRightBar.com

Hi Khairun, 

We're rolling out a new product called CopyRightBar.com.
All websites need one, our solution is perfect. 
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We're currently adding the last set of features and are looking for some feedback, so if you're interested, please go check it out, then send us an email at feedback@dmca.com

As always we welcome you to come join us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DMCATakedown
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Debate Over Systemd Exposes the Two Factions Tugging At Modern-day Linux; Antares Rocket Explodes On Launch

What Is Most Important to Your Users and Customers?
Every business wants to have an in-depth understanding of what their customers want, and what makes them pull the trigger for a new purchase. Take our quick four-question poll to let us know what is most important to developing a holistic view of your customers - whether internal users or beyond the firewall. 
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What Is the Best Way to Launch an Online Business?
As businesses plan their move to the cloud, the choice of provider can be daunting. Performance, reliability and security concerns can paralyze IT before a migration ever begins. Take our quick poll to let us know what is most important to your organization when considering hosting your online presence in the cloud. 
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From the fight-to-the-death department
walterbyrd (182728) sends this article about systemd from Paul Venezia, who writes: In discussions around the Web in the past few months, I've seen an overwhelming level of support of systemd from Linux users who run Linux on their laptops and...
From the some-downsides-might-strike-your-mind department
itwbennett writes Working closely with VISA, Apple solved many complex security issues making in-person payments safer than ever. But it's that close relationship with the credit card companies that may be Apple Pay's downfall. A competing...
From the keep-trying department
sneakyimp writes: The Antares rocket operated by Orbital Sciences Corporation exploded on launch due to a "catastrophic anomaly" after a flawless countdown. No injuries are reported and all personnel are accounted for. According to the audio...
From the after-a-flood-of-complaints department
McGruber writes: Back on February 4, "Science Guy" Bill Nye debated Creationist Kenneth Alfred "Ken" Ham. That high-profile debate helped boost support for Ham's $73 million "Ark Encounter" project, allowing Ham to announce on February 25 that a...
From the low-threshold department
linuxwrangler writes A flight from LAX to London was delayed after a passenger reported seeing "Al-Quida Free Terror Nettwork" as an available hotspot name and reported it to a flight attendant. The flight was taken to a remote part of the airport...
From the welcome-to-the-party department
An anonymous reader writes: If you've ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect, you'll be familiar with David Dunning, professor of psychology at Cornell. He's written an article on the "psychology of human wrongness," explaining how confidence in...
From the maybe-the-apocalypse-will-be-fun department
TheRealHocusLocus writes: The Survivor Library is gathering essential knowledge that would be necessary to jump-start modern civilization, should it fail past the point where a simple 'reboot' is possible (video). Much of it (but not all) dates...
From the new-old-stock-will-persist-a-while department
colinneagle writes This Friday is Halloween, but if you try to buy a PC with Windows 7 pre-loaded after that, you're going to get a rock instead of a treat. Microsoft will stop selling Windows 7 licenses to OEMs after this Friday and you will only...
From the y'don't-say department
An anonymous reader writes The U.S. Federal Trade Commission today announced it is suing AT&T. The commission is charging the carrier for allegedly misleading millions of its smartphone customers by changing the terms while customers were...
From the goldarned-internet department
New submitter hejman08 writes with a question probably faced by many whose parents, grandparents, and other relatives rely on them for tech support and advice, specifically one about finding an appropriate data plan for his grandmother, of whom he...
From the loadable-kernel-modules-have-had-it-too-good-for-too-long department
jones_supa writes: The OpenBSD developers have decided to remove support for loadable kernel modules from the BSD distribution's next release. Several commits earlier this month stripped out the loadable kernel modules support. Phoronix's Michael...
From the anyone-can-promise-anything department
Bennett Haselton writes: Social networking company Ello has converted itself to a Public Benefit Corporation, bound by a charter saying that they will not now, nor in the future, make money by running advertisements or selling user data. Ello had...
From the where-are-you-priorities department
MojoKid writes Dell's Alienware division recently released a radical redesign of their Area-51 gaming desktop. With 45-degree angled front and rear face plates that are designed to direct control and IO up toward the user, in addition to better...
From the well-that's-a-strong-word department
rjmarvin (3001897) writes The Worldwide Web Consortium today has elevated the HTML5 specification to 'recommendation' status , giving it the group's highest level of endorsement, which is akin to becoming a standard. The W3C also introduced...
From the arms-race department
SmartAboutThings writes According to some reports from the industry, Microsoft is working on a version of its software for servers that run on chips based on ARM Holdings's technology. Windows Server now runs on Intel hardware, but it seems that...

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